Total-Technology Export Data


Total-technology export data refers to the aggregated export values of goods categorized into three technological levels: low, medium, and high technology. This measure encompasses all technological innovations exported from a country, providing a comprehensive view of its technological capabilities in international trade.


Total-technology export data is significant for several reasons:

  • Economic Indicator: It reflects a country’s technological advancement and competitiveness in the global market.
  • Policy Formulation: Governments and policymakers can use this data to identify sectors needing support and to promote innovation.
  • Investment Decisions: Investors often look at total-technology exports as a gauge of economic health and growth potential in specific markets.


Total-technology export data is calculated by summing the low-technology export, import, and trade data.

We follow the method proposed by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization report titled “Competing through Innovation and Learning,” published in 2002, to measure the three levels of technology export data.


Total-technology export data provides insights into a country’s export profile:

  • A higher value indicates a robust technological sector and a greater ability to compete in various global markets.
  • Trends in total-technology exports can reveal shifts in industry focus, innovation capacity, and overall economic strategy.


Total-technology export data can vary widely depending on the country’s level of industrialization, investment in research and development, and access to international markets. It can range from minimal values in less developed nations to significant figures in highly industrialized countries.


  • Data Availability: In some countries, especially developing nations, accurate data collection may be lacking, leading to incomplete or unreliable statistics.
  • Categorization Issues: The classification of goods into low, medium, and high technology can sometimes be subjective and inconsistent across different data sources.
  • Market Fluctuations: Total-technology export values can be influenced by short-term market conditions and trade policies, which may not reflect long-term technological capabilities or trends.

North America

The Caribbean Islands

Latin America

Sub-Saharan Africa

Middle East and North Africa

European Union or Economic Area

Non-European Union and Non-Economic Area

Central Asia

South Asia

Southeast Asia

East Asia


The Pacific Islands