Total-Technology Import Data



Total-technology export data refers to the aggregate value of exports categorized into small, medium, and high-technology products. It provides a comprehensive overview of a country’s technological export capacity across various industries.


Total-technology export data is significant for several reasons:

  • Economic Indicator: It serves as a crucial metric for assessing a country’s technological competitiveness and economic health.
  • Policy Formulation: Policymakers can use this data to design strategies that enhance export performance and foster innovation.
  • Investment Decisions: Investors and businesses can evaluate market potential and opportunities based on a country’s technological export strength.


To calculate total-technology import data, we sum the values of small, medium, and high-technology imports. We follow the method proposed by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization report titled “Competing through Innovation and Learning,” published in 2002, to measure the ow-, medium, and high-technology import data.


Total-technology export data provides insights into the technological capabilities and innovation levels of a country. A higher total indicates a robust technological sector, while a lower total may suggest reliance on low-tech industries or a need for further development in innovation.


The range of total-technology export data can vary widely between countries, depending on factors like economic structure, investment in R&D, and access to technology. It can range from negligible values in less developed economies to billions of dollars in advanced economies.


  • Data Availability: Comprehensive data may not be available for all countries, especially developing nations, leading to inconsistencies.
  • Classification Issues: Differences in how technologies are categorized can affect comparability across countries.
  • Temporal Changes: Rapid technological advancements can render data outdated quickly, necessitating constant updates.
  • Economic Context: The figures do not account for the broader economic context, such as market demand or global competition, which can impact export values.

North America

The Caribbean Islands

Latin America

Sub-Saharan Africa

Middle East and North Africa

European Union or Economic Area

Non-European Union and Non-Economic Area

Central Asia

South Asia

Southeast Asia

East Asia


The Pacific Islands